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The Integral Blog

The Integral Blog

Golden Pizza Award - A Culture of Excellence

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Here at Integral Group our Golden Pizza Award recognizes excellence. The award speaks to the very essence of who we are, as a team and individually.

We are guided by 5 principles that hold true no matter the scope of the issue at hand. It can be a simple act of kindness, a minor support concern or the build of a complex process.

A defining characteristic of Integral Group is that we are a company that is built to serve rather than built to sell. We are an EDI service provider – we do exceptional work and are committed to excellence and innovation. But overarching that is our commitment to all of our team members, and to all of our customers, to live and work by our guiding principles.

Push-Up Challenge for Rose of Sharon

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Aurora Fit Body Boot Camp has teamed up with Rose of Sharon Services for Young Mothers to sponsor a Push-Up Challenge.

Our own Andrea Lovrics is participating - the challenge is to do 100 Push-Ups every day for a month.

When asked about the experience, Andrea said:
" I feel good! I can do more push-ups from my toes all at once than I could on Day 1.
I am looking forward to Day 30 ... I also feel good about the fundraising ...
I was able to achieve the goal of raising funds for a good cause."

Report Card on Vivid Vision 2020 progress

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In June of 2017 we published our Vivid Vision 2020 plan in the form of the Integral 2020 Vivid Vision. In it we set forth our vision outlining our objectives for next 3 years (2017-2020). This is our first year Vivid Vision report card: One year down, more work to do!

The aim of our Vivid Vision is not economic, not profit centered. It has a higher purpose and that is to elevate our team and our company and, by extension, enhance our customer experience.