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The Integral Blog

The Integral Blog

Push-Up Challenge for Rose of Sharon

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Aurora Fit Body Boot Camp has teamed up with Rose of Sharon Services for Young Mothers to sponsor a Push-Up Challenge. Our own Andrea Lovrics is participating.

The goal of the challenge is to raise funds. The gym participates in charitable events like the much-appreciated toy drive but, in addition, this year the owner, Aaron Burchart, was told that Rose of Sharon needs money to fund their programs.

Rose of Sharon Services for Young Mothers is a charitable organization providing support and educational services to prenatal and parenting young women under the age of 25 across York Region.

Truth in advertising, the challenge is to do 100 Push-Ups every day for a month and the proceeds raised go to this worthy cause. From those of us merely supporting participants - arms aching in empathy – kudos to the people who have taken up the challenge!

For Andrea, this was a personal physical challenge: she felt she needed to do it for the very reason that it was all too easy not to do it. While the gym is a regular part of her routine, committing to 100 Push-Ups every day (her least favourite exercise) was an undertaking. Personal health and fitness are near and dear to her heart and she is confident she will complete the challenge.
The biggest draw, of course, is the Rose of Sharon good works. As a parent herself, Andrea knows the challenges and demands faced by parents of young children. She recognizes, too, that she has been very fortunate and wants to give back to those who are less so. Helping young mothers and their children through the many and varied programs Rose of Sharon offers strikes a chord.I checked in with Andrea on Day 26 – 2,600 push-ups completed – and asked how she was feeling:
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I feel good! I can do more push-ups from my toes all at once than I could on Day 1. I am looking forward to Day 30, so that my arms can get a rest, although I am thinking I may continue with some daily push-ups after (but not 100 per day!) just to keep it up, as I am just starting to see some toning in my arms, which I would like to continue.

I also feel good about the fundraising. While the charity does not let me know who donated or how much, a few people have let me know that they sponsored me and that is great news, as it means I was able to achieve the goal of raising funds for a good cause.
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As part of our commitment to our community, Integral Group’s Giving Back Committee sponsors employees who are participating in fundraising efforts.